parallax layer blue dots
parallax layer golden streaks
parallax layer bubbles
parallax layer city back
parallax layer city front

Volunteer for Global Game Jam Hamar

The Global Game Jam® (GGJ®) is the world's largest game creation event taking place in physical locations across the globe, the weekend 26-28 January 2024. And the biggest jam site in Norway is Hamar. We are in need of 60 volunteers to help make GGJ Hamar run smoothly.

Volunteer tickets

About volunteering

As a volunteer, you get to participate as a jammer for free! You also get an awesome t-shirt, lots of food, and cake! All volunteers get one or two shifts during the jam, and help a bit before and after. There are three volunteers on duty at all time, as volunteers are split into three classes: wizards, hunters and knights. Your volunteer leader will give you more information about how to do your tasks on site. All volunteers shall help organizers if necessary and be available on their phones.


  • Sit at the info desk.
  • Let jammers into the building.
  • Lend out equipment.
  • Manage “Lost & found” items.


  • Make coffee and boil water.
  • Maintain and clean the food area.
  • Carry and set up pizza for self service.
  • Check garbage bins and empty them when needed.


  • Walk about and enforce rules.
  • Help set up necessary physical and technical equipment before talks and workshops.
  • Rig down and clean up after talks and workshops.

Follow #GGJHamar for up-to-date news

Check out the previous games

2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Official Global Game Jam page
Hamar Game Collective